How a game of squash made my day

“Nothing beats a good game of squash to release tension. I love my job but sometimes don’t realise how busy I’ve been until I get onto the squash court. I play three times a week after work. My matches aren’t part of a league, I play against friends, but as any sportsman or woman will tell you that doesn’t mean I don’t care whether I win, because I do!

“On Friday we had a ski team strategy meeting – the Ski Club of Great Britain kindly lent us their offices and their MD for the day. It was great meeting, we came up with lots of new ideas but afterwards I had to climb back into my soggy cycling gear to go and play my squash game. A true sign of devotion to my sport!

“I didn’t start in the best of moods and things got worse when my opponent came back from 2 –0 to make it 2-2… we were 8-all in the final game for several nail-biting minutes and despite my muscles screaming at me to stop, I dug in and managed to win. It’s always good to win but the high or the endorphins or whatever it is that exercise does to you, always leaves me feeling good and wanting to do more…

“My game had well and truly wiped out the memory of my soggy cycling pants and saved my day. Once again on my bike cycling home I started to think about our young student ski groups and how many times they get wet in the snow only to wipe out any discomfort with one great sweeping downhill ski.

“I’m definitely in the right job – I love sport, I love skiing and I love passing this on to our young skiers, who I really hope get the same adrenalin rush that I get from my squash games!”

Cath Ruffle (pictured below left) is Club Europe’s Head of Ski and Sports Tours. You can call her on 0208 772 2870 if you want to hear more about her squash game, our school ski trips or our range of sports tours. Or click on the links to read more about our student ski trips and our sports tours for schools.
