What is Easter skiing really like?

If you want to take students skiing, Easter is a really good value option.

Lots of teachers are nervous, believing that perhaps the quality won’t be as good. Well, in an effort to persuade you otherwise, here’s how our last Easter ski week went:

The week started in full sunshine but to everyone’s delight, fresh snow fell over several nights, topping up the pistes with a welcome extra 25cms of snow. On the advice of our reps and ski schools, our student ski trip groups got up early to make the most of the sun and freshly-bashed pistes.

The two best things about skiing at this time of year, are the empty slopes and the lack of queues at the lifts. As Ali, a party leader from a school in Kent said, “Soooo much quieter on the slopes. I only queued once! Particularly the empty nursery slopes meant that all the beginners progressed quickly”.

As always, all our houses welcomed the groups with genuinely warm hospitality. “The team at the Oberwimm are amazingly helpful and understanding,” commented Malcolm from a grammar school in Enfield.

So many party leaders mention the high standards of our accommodation as well as the finishing touches, such as private snug areas, that make their school ski trips fun and relaxing for them as well as the students.

Finally, the ski schools deserve a special shout out. We are so proud to work with schools who only ever provide highly-qualified, English-speaking instructors. Luke, a party leader from London described his instructors as: “all fantastic and the pupils loved skiing with them. They were super positive and the pupils really benefited from their lessons”.

So all that remains for us to say is that skiing at Easter is an excellent option for schools looking for a good value student ski trip. If you think it could be for you, contact our friendly ski team on Freephone 0800 496 4996. Or click on the link to read more about all our fantastic ski trips for schools.
